Zhejiang hengan fire safety equipment co., LTD.


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Zhejiang Hengan Fire Safety Equipment Co., Ltd.





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Introduction to the performance of the lining fire hose

Time: 2018-9-18 Click: 1434times

Lined fire hoses are primarily hoses used to transport flame retardant liquids such as high pressure water or foam. The traditional fire hose is lined with rubber and the outer surface is covered with linen weave. Advanced fire hoses are made of polymeric materials such as polyurethane. The fire hose has metal fittings at both ends. It can be connected to another hose to extend the distance or connect the nozzle to increase the liquid injection pressure. The performance of the lining fire hose is also very high. For example, the fabric layer of the water belt should be evenly woven and the surface should be clean; no double warp, double warp, jump and scratch. Secondly, the thickness of the water lining (or covering layer) should be uniform, and the surface should be smooth and flat without wrinkles or other defects.

Zhejiang Hengan Fire Safety Equipment Co., Ltd.

Address:College Road, Jiangzao Town, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province200number  Zip code:311835

Technical support: CNSIXI